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Naturally, the two can't believe the other turned out how they did. This is the crux of Counterpart, the question of how small decisions could make huge impacts on our lives visualized through characters who split apart into two copies about three decades ago. Is kind, meek Howard from our universe the optimal Howard? Or is the icy spy Howard the most realized version of Howard Silk there can be? It's like Sliding Doors but with way more shootouts. It's like Breaking Bad fan fiction where early Walter White becomes roommates with end-of-series Heisenberg. It's Seasons 3 and 4 of Fringe, the TV show. And it is, from the handful of episodes that Starz sent to press, a total blast to watch. J. Simmons, Counterpart Photo: Starz The brief spoiler-free download on Counterpart is that Howard 1 finds his mind blown — the multiple dimensions aren't public knowledge — when he's roped into a murder investigation by Howard 2; the very sight of watching Simmons meet himself (and vice versa) is worth giving the first episode a gander.

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Sir Simon can only rest if he is redeemed and allowed to pass on. Sir Simon reveals that Ginny has already fulfilled part of the prophecy by weeping for him. Next, she must pray for him. Sir Simon takes her through a portal in the fireplace to the "Realm of Darkness" to plead to the Angel of Death on his behalf. The next morning, Hiram goes to Ginny's bedroom to try to make amends and discovers she isn't there. Panicking, the family search the house and estate aided by Francis, the Umneys, Lord Canterville and the locals. They find the cloak Ginny was wearing in the library and everyone but Hiram realises that Ginny has been taken away by the ghost. Hiram starts to hear Ginny's voice in his mind and sees her image in Sir Simon's portrait, causing him to start believing in ghosts. That night, they hear a mysterious noise and rush to the library, where the fireplace opens to reveal Ginny trying to get home from the Realm of Darkness. Her family and Francis rescue her before the portal closes.

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Ils pètent dans la soie, mais moi, si je ne vais pas avec mes 100 kilos de bidoche sur la scène et que le préfet n'accepte pas que je joue devant 2 000 personnes, bah il m'affame". Philippe Lellouche: son énorme coup de gueule après les annonces de Jean Castex Philippe Lellouche était ce vendredi 11 décembre 2020 invité sur BFMTV pour réagir aux annonces du Premier ministre sur l'évolution du déconfinement. L'acteur a fait part de sa colère et de son incompréhension face à certaines décisions comme la prolongation de la fermeture des lieux culturels pendant trois semaines. Non Stop People Loana "dénigrée" et "détruite", elle donne des nouvelles inquiétantes Alors qu'elle assurait il y a quelques jours sur sa page Instagram que tout allait bien, Loana a donné des nouvelles peu rassurantes au magazine Public. En plus d'avoir dévoilé la raison de l'annulation de ses prochaines vacances à l'île de la Réunion, l'ex-star de télé-réalité en a dit plus sur son état actuel, révélant, entre autres, qu'elle ne bougeait plus de chez elle.

Just curious if anyone on here was on Danimation back in the late 90's/early 00's. Discovering this sub has gotten me interested in RCT again. I played RCT3 for a bit the other day but now I'm really jonesing to dig up my copies of the first and second one (though I vaguely recall trying before and having some difficulties with it displaying properly on my 16:10 Thinkpad screen). Danimation was really the first RCT community, and I remember that it took the game from something I might have played for a few months to one that I played for years. They had a 'Spotlight' feature () where they recognized great user submitted parks. I was really proud when I once had a park I made win. There was so much creativity on there and people really fed off each others' ideas. I'm really glad to see that spirit carrying on here!